Translationale Forschung

Skin microbiome and host immunology

Skin microbiome and host immunology

The skin is colonized by a diverse microbiome intricately involved in various molecular and cellular processes within the skin and beyond. UV radiation is known to induce profound changes in the skin and modulate the immune response. However, the role of the microbiome in UV (and its mediators) - induced immune suppression has been overlooked. Moreover, skin microbiome is implicated in various cutaneous inflammatory conditions such as atopic dermatitis, polymorphic light eruption and more. We are currently exploring the underlying regulatory mechanisms by which skin microbiome controls the immune response to UV or its mediator such as cis-urocanic acid.

Vijaykumar Patra


I obtained Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology in India, before moving to the Nottingham, UK to pursue my Master’s in biotechnology, specializing in Cancer immunology and microbial genomics. I obtained my doctoral degree in Medial University of Graz, which was followed by a postdoctoral fellowship investigating impact of skin microbiome on UV-induced immune suppression. I currently work as a postdoc in the International center for infectiology research (CIRI, INSERM) in Lyon, France as a postdoc at the International Center for Infectiology Research (CIRI, INSERM) in Lyon, France and as a part-time postdoc at Medical University of Graz during which I obtained several academic grants (Sanofi, FWF-ANR, Stadt Graz, WVSD). My current research revolves around elucidating the immuno-regulatory mechanisms of skin microbiome and antimicrobial peptides.


Twitter: @vickypatra19