Enjoyyour summer

Schönen Sommer
20 Jahre Med Uni Graz
Med Uni Graz is 20 years old

Excellent learningopportunities

Lehrangebot  | Foto: Hödl
Stay tuned
Find out more about the wide range of study and further education options.

Innovative Research

Spitzenforschung / Foto: Lunghammer
Pioneering Minds
Find out more about our innovative research projects and focal points.

Pioneering Minds

At the Medical University of Graz, over 2,500 academic and general staff members and around 5,000 students conduct research, teach and learn with a spirit of innovation for our patients' health and well-being.

A center of innovative, cutting-edge medicine in southern Austria, Med Uni Graz provides an attractive workplace and living space and for its staff and students and a significant share of patient care on site.

News (The selection of current news is available primarily in German)

Praxisworkshop im CSC/Foto: Lukas Mileder

12 Ärzt*innen für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde aus dem DACH-Raum nahmen an dem Hands-on-Training „Erstversorgung im Kreißsaal“ teil.

Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

Student opportunities in Lima, the Highlands and the Peruvian rainforest and cooperation in the tropics.

Gerhard Pichler neuer Professor an der Med Uni Graz - Foto:Amarievikka/AdodeStock.com

Mit Wirkung vom 1. September 2024 wurde Gerhard Pichler an die Med Uni Graz berufen.


Lunge - Vladislav/adobe.stock.com

In einigen Tagen beginnt der weltweit größte Kongress für Lungenheilkunde unter der Präsidentschaft von Gabor Kovacs.


Neue Technologien in der Zahnmedizin und Pneumologie - Quo Vadis?


Med Uni Graz - Pioneering Minds