Diversität & Barrierefreihei

Diversity & accessibility

Campus life at the Medical University of Graz is diverse and dynamic. The uniqueness of our students and staff contributes to the spirit at Med Uni Graz. As a matter of course, our university strives to avoid barriers and cultivate an open and tolerant environment. This makes it a space in which everyone has the opportunity to find a place of their own and develop their full potential.


Work-life balance

As a university certified with the "universityandfamily" audit, we find the reconciliation of work/studies and family to be an item of great importance and offer a variety of programs that prioritize it. We are also working on new ideas and ways that our entire university community can succeed in meeting the diverse requirements of work, studies and family life in the future.

Gender & Diversity

The Gender:Unit was established at our university to coordinate the areas gender equality, advancement of women and diversity management. It offers a variety of services that aim to achieve equal working and living conditions for members of the university community. A wide range of professional development courses and coaching provide comprehensive education and information in the university sector.


Through the promotion of dual career couples and their families, the university supports highly qualified employees in all academic areas from Austria and abroad by creating optimal conditions for their entering into employment at Med Uni Graz. In addition, Dual Career Service provides information about housing, schooling and child care.



At kinderCAMPUS, the Med Uni Graz child care facility, our university staff can find the right program for their children. Depending on their situation and needs, staff have the choice of a day nursery, a kindergarten as well as care by day parents (Betriebstageseltern). Our diverse programs and projects should arouse a child's curiosity, encourage critical thinking, imagination and creativity and make it fun to learn, research, and discover.


We believe successful work-life balance is a criterion for quality in university research, teaching and administration. The Servicestelle für Vereinbarkeit von Universität und Familie (Service Center for Reconciliation of University and Family) offers information, lectures, workshops, and advising related to child care, family leave, dual careers and care for dependents.



Raising awareness and providing information are high on our list of priorities. That is why we have not only a disability ombudsperson and a service center for people with disabilities and/or chronic disease but also an advisory council for people with disabilities. The service center offers information and support in the areas of work, study and disability.



To provide comprehensive education and information on gender-sensitive topics in the university sector, the Gender:Unit regularly sends out invitations to professional development events. A series of coaching opportunities and scholarships specifically promote and support women's careers.


Verena Chiara Kuckenberger 
T: +43 316 385 72075

Gender & Diversity at the Department of Radiology

The Department of Radiology has established a Gender and Diversity Coordinator to implement the strategic goals on gender and diversity. Gerlinde Pansi is the contact person for all people who feel they have been subjected to unequal treatment based on age, gender, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, skin color, origin, physical or mental abilities. Contact can be made in person, by telephone, e-mail or letter, and the anonymity of the person concerned is guaranteed with absolute certainty.



  • Förderung der geschlechterdemokratischen und diversitätsspezifischen Unternehmenskultur
  • Konzeption von Strategien zur Umsetzung des Prinzips „Gender Mainstreaming“
  • Geschlechter- und diversitätsorientierte Sensibilisierung und Bewusstseinsbildung
  • Offenheit und Transparenz von Entscheidungen und Aktionen nach außen und innen fördern
  • Erkennen und Einbinden der unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten und Potenziale der Mitarbeitenden
  • Motivationssteigerung der Mitarbeitenden durch Förderung individueller Qualifikationen und Erfahrungsschätze
  • Bessere Positionierung im Wettbewerb um gutes Personal
  • Imagesteigerung der Universitätsklinik für Radiologie durch Integration und Bewusstmachung aller vorhandenen Kompetenzen
  • Steigerung des Frauenanteils in den unterrepräsentierten Bereichen
  • Etablierung von Frauenförderprogrammen mit Breitenwirkung

Department of Radiology

Gerlinde Pansi  
T: +43 316 385 83383