Public Health

from different health science disciplines such as medicine, nursing science, epidemiology, health psychology, sociology and economics as well as from care, system and political research. The aim is to provide


Pilot Study Psychological strain and allostatic load in patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax Ziel: Vermehrter, psychobiologischer Stress (allostatic load) könnte durch verschiedenste pathoph

Team Freidl

Services Research, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, Department of Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy, and Institute of Nursing Science PI Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Freidl T: +43 316

Who we are

specialists and researchers from different disciplines such as public health, health management, psychology and life sciences/natural sciences collaborate as a team. Chair of Institute Andrea Siebenhofe

Professional development & health promotion opportunities

Insurance Fund (ÖGK). The supporting of employee surveys (e.g., in connection with the evaluation of psychological strain) completes the range of occupational health management services.

Entrepreneurship - A Personal Perspective

talk will take you on a journey through technology, innovation, business, finance, regulation, psychology to game theory, and social considerations, covering two decades of experience as a CEO of a small

For patients

is integrated into medical care at our division. Psycho-oncological treatment aims to minimize psychological stress as well as physical and social burdens on patients and their family members. The uniqueness

General Neurology

treatment. We strive to restore their autonomy while taking into account medical, cognitive, psychological and social aspects." Christian Enzinger, Head of Division Office Auenbruggerplatz 22, 8036 Graz


multimodal and holistic treatment and care. This care must address medical as well as functional, psychological, cognitive and social aspects of the disease in order to achieve the greatest autonomy and best

For patients

for them to manage the difficult situation that arises after they receive a serious diagnosis, psychological liaison services are available. Procedures in line with the latest international findings and