Ich bin ... Studieninteressierte*r

I am ... a future student

Would you like to study in the Styrian capital and are you interested in a degree program at the Medical University of Graz? Have you always wanted to work in a profession that focuses on people and their health?

At Med Uni Graz, innovative teaching concepts and practice-oriented small group instruction with modern infrastructure and a personal atmosphere are waiting for you. Along with comprehensive expertise, we also value social competence and an ethical attitude. The educational opportunities at our renowned university range from medicine, dentistry and nursing science to doctoral programs and PhD programs. Here are some important figures that give an overview of student life at our university.


Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing.

William Arthur Ward

Detailed information on human medicine and dentistry degree programs at Med Uni Graz can be found on the German pages of our website. Sufficient knowledge of German is required for the admissions process, acceptance in degree programs and participation in courses.

Degree programs



The Medicine diploma program prepares students for their future career as a physician in all medical specialties. Theoretical principles and practical skills are taught in an integrative, topic-centered and patient-oriented manner. A special emphasis is placed on aspects of the humanities in the spirit of the biopsychosocial model. The basic elements of scientific thought are also conveyed.



The Dentistry degree program starts with a comprehensive basic education and gradually provides students with specialist know-how: The main subjects in its innovative and practical training are dental preservation, prosthodontics, periodontology, oral surgery and orthodontics.


Nursing science

The Nursing Science degree program is oriented to the diverse needs and challenges in the nursing and healthcare sector. Typical content includes not only theoretical and practical fundamentals of health care and nursing but also special focus topics, for example health promotion and disease prevention.

Interprofessional Health Care Studies

Interprofessional Health Care Studies

The Interprofessional Health Care Studies master's program is targeted at graduates of bachelor degree programs in a variety of health care professions with comprehensive specialist competence. The aim of the program is to qualify students for interprofessional collaboration in a challenging and constantly changing health care sector. They acquire comprehensive knowledge of science, research, research methods, implementation research, health and care research and health literacy. The program emphasizes interprofessional exchange in order to qualify students to apply their knowledge and skills across professions for evidence-based practice.

 PhD Programm

Doctoral programs

PhD programs and doctoral programs prepare the next generation of researchers for independent research in medicine, the life sciences and nursing science. They combine scientific mentoring with state-of-the-art techniques and an extensive training program (seminars, journal clubs, workshops, scientific networking) in an integrative research environment.


Extension programs

At Med Uni Graz, the three extension programs General Practice, Digitalization in Medicine and Medical Research facilitate the acquisition and extension of core competencies. According to § 54a of the Universities Act, extension programs are degree programs that serve the purpose of teaching and extending core competencies. They permit students to develop professional competencies for their careers and to become more professional in their daily work routines.

Postgraduate School

Postgraduate courses

The Med Uni Graz Postgraduate School offers a broad spectrum of postgraduate courses with different final qualifications:

  • Management and health policy
  • Science and research
  • Diagnostics, care and therapy
  • Health and prevention
  • Medical Simulation

Events with national and international Medical Chamber diploma professional development points and with nursing continuing education points complete the portfolio.

More information

Admission and lateral entry

Please note that there are special admission procedures for some studies at the Medical University of Graz. Applicants who are already studying human medicine or dentistry at a domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution and have already acquired 180 ECTS credits there can apply for a lateral entry at the Medical University of Graz.


Entrance exam

All individuals who would like to be admitted to the Medicine degree program (O 202) or the Dentistry degree program (O 203) for the first time in academic year 2022/23must take an entrance exam at the Medical University of Graz.
Please note that the exam is held in German and C1 level in German is recommended. If a place is awarded, C1 level is required.

More information (German only)

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the entrance exam (German only)

General information

Can I take entrance exams at several Med Unis?

No. This is not possible since the MedAT entrance exam for medicine and dentistry is offered throughout Austria at the same time. You must decide at which Med Uni you would like to take the exam at the time of online registration.

Do I have to take an entrance exam if I am already studying at another university?

Yes, if you can furnish proof that you have earned fewer than 180 ECTS credits in a medicine or dentistry degree program. Otherwise, it may be possible to apply for lateral entry (medicine or dentistry).

Do school grades or the grade on the school-leaving certificate count for the entrance exam?

No, Austria does not have a numerus clausus policy, so grades from school do not have any influence on the awarding of places in a degree program. All that counts is the number of points earned on the MedAT-H/Z.

I have a disability and/or a chronic disease. Who can I contact?

If you are applying to Med Uni Graz and have a disability and/or chronic disease, please contact us by email.

Let us know exactly how we can accommodate you on the test day. Please provide us with a medical certificate by 31 May 2025 at the latest so that we can take appropriate organizational measures. More information for people with disabilities and/or chronic disease at the Medical University of Graz is available here

Does Med Uni Graz also use the Eignungstest für das Medizinstudium in der Schweiz (EMS) test?

No, since 2013 there has been just one entrance exam in use throughout Austria, MedAT-H or MedAT-Z.

Is the result from the entrance exam in Graz valid for the other medical universities?

No, the entrance exam in Graz only determines how the places to study medicine and dentistry at Med Uni Graz are awarded.

Does the result of the TMS also count toward admission to Med Uni Graz?


Can I take the entrance exam if I will not receive my school-leaving certificate until next year?

No, this is not allowed. This is regulated by the "Verordnung über die Zulassungsbeschränkungen zu den Diplomstudien Human- und Zahnmedizin" (act on admission requirements for the Medicine and Dentistry degree programs). .

Is it possible to start studying medicine at Med Uni Graz in summer semester?

No, this is not necessary. If you are awarded a place to study, proof of a general university entrance qualification (school-leaving certificate) must be provided during admission in September.

Can I receive credit for prior academic achievement?

Yes, this is possible, but first you must take the entrance exam and be awarded a place to study. After you have been admitted as a degree student, you may apply to the Dean of Study Affairs to receive credit for prior academic achievement. It is not possible to do this in advance!

I did not take Latin in school. Do I have to make this up before I start to study?

No, that is not necessary. Med Uni Graz offers a course that you can take when you start to study.

I did not take biology in school. Do I have to make this up before I start to study?

No, that is not necessary. According to the decision of the Medical University of Graz (published in the newsletter dated 28 November 2018), the supplementary exam in biology and environmental studies is no longer required for applications for admission to the Medicine and Dentistry degree programs as of winter semester 2019/20.


Internet registration

I entered my data incorrectly. Do I have to register again?

No, you can log in with your password and edit your data within the online registration period.

Do I need to provide an email address during online registration?

Yes, you need a valid email address in order to receive an activation email after online registration is complete.

Can I change my registration from Medicine to Dentistry or vice versa?

Yes, this is possible within the online registration period. In this case, send an email to aufnahmeverfahren(at)medunigraz.at.

Once the registration period has ended, will I receive a letter of invitation or confirmation?

No, the Medical University of Graz does not send a letter of invitation or confirmation.

How can I be sure that I am registered for the MedAT in Graz?

If your status in the ANV-webtool is “Sie sind gültig zum Test angemeldet”, your registration was successful and you are validly registered for the test. You can print a confirmation via the ANV webtool for your personal use.

When will I receive detailed information about the test day?

Information concerning the procedure on the test day will be available on our website from the end of April: https://www.medunigraz.at/en/entrance-exam.

Do I need to register with the entrance exam webtool again each year?

Yes, the processing number from the previous year is no longer valid.

Share of the costs

How can I pay my share of the costs?

The share of the costs must be paid directly using the online registration tool. You may pay by credit card (Mastercard, Visa), eps online transfer, PayPal or paysafecard.

Can I pay my share of the costs at a later date?

Yes, you can do this within the payment period using the online registration tool.

Do I receive a payment confirmation after my share of the costs has been transferred?

No, Med Uni Graz does not send any confirmations. If your status in the entrance exam webtool is "You have successfully registered for the test," your registration is complete.

Problems with registration

I have not received an email with my activation code.

It is possible that the email cannot be sent to certain email providers, for example GMX or Outlook, due to their security settings. Check your spam folder and, if necessary, repeat your registration using another email address (e.g., Gmail).

I forgot my password and/or my processing number.

If you click on "Can't access your account? Reactivate it with your email address." under the registration window on the start page of the entrance exam webtool and enter the email address you used to register, you will receive an email explaining how to reset your password. This email will also include your processing number.

Entrance exam

Can the exam be taken at another date?

No, the MedAT-H/Z is held on the date announced for everyone. It is not possible to take the exam later.

Can I start the admissions process several times?

Yes, the exam results are only valid for the year in which you take it and have no influence on the admissions process in the following year. You may start the admissions process multiple times.

Am I allowed to use any aids (calculators, etc.) on the entrance exam?

No, no aids of any kind are allowed. The tasks are created so they can be solved without any aids. You also may not bring in any paper. Notes, calculations, etc. can be made in the question booklet.

May I sell test questions from the MedAT entrance exam to third parties or publish them on the Internet?

Disclosure of test questions from the MedAT entrance exam to third parties and their use is prohibited according to the "Verordnung über die Zulassungsbeschränkungen zu den Diplomstudien Human- und Zahnmedizin" (act on admission requirements for the Medicine and Dentistry degree programs) as well as by copyright law! In the event of violation, the Medical University of Graz shall be indemnified and held harmless and reserves the right to take legal action in this case.

Advising: ÖH Med Graz

The ÖH Med Graz (Austrian National Union of Students at the Medical University of Graz) is the legally legitimized representation of all students and a public corporation. In addition to advising and informing their fellow students, this group of honorary students is active in all university committees such as the academic senate, study commissions, habilitation and appointment committees as well as other working groups and advisory boards for important topics related to studying.


Schüler*innen an die Universitäten (Secondary School Students to Universities)

The Medical University of Graz makes it possible for highly motivated secondary school students to attend courses before they receive their school-leaving certificate. The university cooperates with "Young Science," the center for cooperation between science and schools, which receives the applications and handles the formal requirements.

Through the OeAD program, young people interested in science can attend courses, take exams, immerse themselves in the areas in which they have talent and become acquainted with a degree program.

Courses and exams completed by extraordinary students as part of this program may be recognized in a later degree program at the Medical University of Graz.

International students

International students who are interested in Med Uni Graz in the context of a study exchange can contact the International Office or the Welcome Center. The Welcome Center provides support with entry and residence formalities and campus life, access to networks and information and opportunities for social contact.