Forschung Gottfried Schatz Forschungszentrum

Research focus: Reproduction, pregnancy and regeneration

PI: Dagmar Brislinger

Focus: The importance of two-dimensional cell culture is non-controversial. Biochemical pathways and effects of treatments in single cell types can be identified in standardized processes. Nevertheless, the gap between a two-dimensional cell culture experiment and a complete organism is difficult to bridge, thus results can hardly be related. Although tissue and organ culture pose a challenge to the experimental design investigations will represent the in vivo situation closer than conventional two-dimensional cell culture. We therefore intensify and promote research on the establishment of three-dimensional cell cultures.

Network: The research group have established intense cooperation with researchers of the Gottfried Schatz Research Center for Cell Signaling, Metabolism and Aging and various institutes and divisions (e.g. Division of Transplantation Surgery, Division of Anaesthesiology for Cardiovascular Surgery and Intensive Care Medicine, Diagnostics & Research Institute of Pathology). Further, the research group has a long-lasting cooperation with the Institute of Multiphase Processes, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany.


Flexibility in Organ Research

  • This project focuses on the establishment of a blood vessel model, a placenta model, and a model of the gut by the use of a 3D Organ Lab Model. Already available three-dimensional systems or organ culture models lack flexibility and do not respond to the needs of specialized cells in a three-dimensional network. This model combines following advantages: 1) Different cell types are composed 2) in a three-dimensional network and could be cultivated 3) in defined compartments 4) with diverse physical and chemical conditions, wherein 5) direct cell-to-cell contact can be promoted or avoided.
  • Duration: 2017-2021
  • Funded by: FWF & CDG
  • Project partner: Marc Müller, Institute of Multiphase Processes, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

Impact of placental mesenchymal stem cells in wound healing

  • Placental mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (PMSC) are easily accessible cells available in large supply. They can be transplanted without signs of immunological rejection and represent a promising tool for clinical treatment. We demonstrated that PMSC stimulate endothelial cells to proliferate and migrate and improve the revascularization of the wound bed (Ertl et al. 2018, Vonbrunn et al. 2020). Now, we will compare the properties of PMSC with MSC derived from adipose tissue. Further, different carrier materials for MSC will be tested in vitro and in vivo to improve the wound healing outcome.
  • Duration: ongoing
  • Funded by: Med Uni Graz
  • Project partners: Lars-Peter Kamolz, Daryousch Parvizi, Division of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, Medical University of Graz

Isolation and characterization of endothelial cells and mesenchymal stem cells for vascular research and wound healing

  • We showed that placental mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC) exert pro-angiogenic, survival-enhancing and stabilizing effects on endothelial cells in vitro and in vivo (König 2015, Kinzer 2014). In ongoing studies MSC will be isolated from different perinatal tissues (amnion, umbilical cord, chorionic blood vessels of the placenta) and used in single- or co-cultures with endothelial cells on vascular prostheses to enhance the viability of endothelial cells and the functionality of vascular prostheses. Moreover, they will be applied in a mouse model to study the impact of MSC on wound healing.
  • Duration: ongoing
  • Funded by: Med Uni Graz
  • Project partner: Marc Müller, Institute of Multiphase Processes, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

Innovative therapies in mucus associated diseases

  • The mucus layers in the respiratory tract and the intestine form the major defense line between the host and the environment. Phytotherapy based on traditional Chinese medicine are increasingly used for various medical applications. In preliminary studies, we showed that a combination of selected Chinese herbal substances strongly affected the expression of gel-forming mucins in a cell culture model of the intestine and the respiratory tract. Thus, this project aims in the evaluation of herbal multi-compounds and the mechanistic basis for their regulatory elements in the mucus synthesis.
  • Duration: ongoing
  • Funded by: Med Uni Graz
  • Project partners: Rudolf Bauer, Xuehong Nöst, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Graz, Austria

Trophoblasts and glands in early human pregnancy

  • In previous work we were able to demonstrate, that fetal trophoblasts reach maternal uterine glands already at implantantation and continue interaction with the glands throughout early pregancy (=endoglandular trophoblast invasion). Via this endoglandular trophoblast invasion secretions of the glands reach the embryo for histiotrophic nutrition prior to the establishment of the uteroplacental blood flow. In ongoing projects, we seek further insight into the relevance, mechanisms and consequences of endoglandular trophoblast invasion in early human pregnancy with various methods.
  • Duration: ongoing
  • Funded by: Med Uni Graz
  • Project partners: Sabine Kienesberger-Feist, KF Uni Graz, Bernhard Neumayer, FH Joanneum, eHealth

Division of Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology
Dagmar Brislinger, MSc
T: +43 316 385 71890
The team of the research group with team leader Dagmar Brislinger.